Der Glossar für die agile Organisationsenwicklung
Dein Navigator durch den agilen Begriffsdschungel und den damit verbundenen Konzepten. Darüber hinaus habe ich Euch einige Bücherempfehlungen an die Hand gegeben die Euch dabei helfen das richtige Buch für Euch zu finden.
(Agile) Führung
Agile Corporate Learning
Agile Moderationsmethoden
- „Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us“ von Daniel Pink
- „Gute Chefs essen zuletzt“ von Simon Sinek
- „Peak“ von Chip Heath und Dan Heath
- „Radical Focus“ von Christina Wodtke
- „The Wise Company, How Japanese Companies create the dynamics of innovation“ von Hirotaka Takeuch
- Flight Levels – Organisationen mit Business-Agilität führen
- Reinventing Organizations von Frederique Laloux
- Sag es stärker!“ von Albert Thiele
- Schnelles Denken, langsames Denken von Daniel Kahneman
Business Grundlagen
Digitale Transformation
- Burndown Chart
- Community of Practice
- Daily Scrum
- Definition of Done
- Definition of Ready (alter Scrum Guide)
- Epic
- Futurespektive
- Impediment
- Impediment Backlog
- Inkrement
- INVEST- Kriterien
- Minimal Viable Product – MVP
- MuSCoW
- Planning Poker
- Product Backlog
- Product Owner
- Prototyp
- Retrospektive
- Rolle
- Scrum Master
- Scrum@Scale
- Sprint
- Sprint Goal
- Sprint Review
- Sprint Review
- Story Point
- Task-Board
- Timebox
- Transparenz
- User-Story
Scrum Testfragen
- How should Product Backlog Items be chosen when multiple Scrum Teams work from the same Product Backlog?
- How should Product Backlog Items be chosen when multiple Scrum Teams work from the same Product Backlog?
- Which are appropriate topics for discussion in a Sprint Retrospective?
- Which of the following is required by Scrum?
- Which of these may a Scrum Team deliver at the end of a Sprint?
- Which statement best describes a Product Owner´s responsibility?
- Which technique is the best way the Scrum Master can ensure that the Developers communicate effectively with the Product Owner?